Who We Serve

The Company Credo

eHealthcare Is Excellence

We remain dedicated to perpetuating our culture and brand of service delivery – each time we grow, each time we engage with clients.

Clinicians & Physician Assistants — Physicians — Healthcare Executives (Coffee Breaks & No Breaks)

Physicians, Clinicians, Physician Assistants, & Nurses

Many healthcare organizations utilize physician assistants and nurses to enter patient data and handle patient encounters in conjunction with physicians.  But no matter the combination of medical professionals used for patient encounters, organizations across the globe deal with some form of annotation and coding for diagnosis and procedures.  Billing for these companies relies heavily on getting this part of the process as accurate as possible.  When it is not,  significant time can be spent making adjustments to correct this.

eHealthview will instill more confidence with these professionals and save countless hours of re-coding and adjustments.  Now, any medical professional engaged in the patient encounter experience can rest assured of coding accuracy and have no worry of time spent addressing better diagnosis and procedure coding.


When the dust settles what matters above all is an improved patient care experience. With eHealthview features patient information will be integrated into their medical records, while more-efficient diagnosis and procedure coding means an improved experience for the patient.


We differentiate ourselves through our unique blend of technology, knowledge of process, and our culture dedicated to building relationship that strong and long-lasting.

Healthcare Executives

Healthcare leadership is improved when practitioners spend the greatest portion of their work time focused on specifically patient care. This ultimately translates to better approval by patients, and therefore better ratings for the organization. It also means increased bottom line because professionals will have better utilization.

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