Relationships Are Key to Our Success

The Importance of Strong Relationships

360 Degrees

The real view of relationships for MIRR is never singular.

The MIRR family looks at our relationships as 360 degrees – with our staff, clients, and our partnerships making up that full-circle view.  The MIRR relationship-building effort is rooted in our culture based on our core values.  Having the these connections opens up pathways to demonstrate new solutions to our clients, build new ideas internally, and form new partnerships to enable us to expand our reach and offering.  This results in growth for us through innovation, innovation brought about from minds that like to work together.

The Heart of MIRR is

Our Core Values

If we were an organization founded purely on the ability to build quality products we would not be successful for very long – if at all.  Our ability in product and service delivery is overlays a foundation of principles we have taken on and promise to remain true to:  Diligence, Integrity, Honesty, Satisfaction, Discretion, and Validity.

Strong Relationships are Important Across ...

The MIRR culture is centered around cultivating relationships centered around a common understanding that our work is designed to improve healthcare for patients.  That’s the key – that our real focus is not ourselves but our clients – who are actually not the organizations we serve but the patient they serve.
Good solutions are those built on an understanding of the pain points of the client.  Our clients will always get a clear message from the MIRR family that we know this.  Our approach is centered on clearly communicating that our first step in establishing client relationships is a focus on understanding what and where in their work processes problems exist.  Then we definitively convey and prove how MIRR solutions address, alleviate, and solve those problems.
Success in the modern-day business landscape – across all business industries – is largely defined by the ability of an organization to form smart, lasting partnerships.  These partnerships work, in part, because of well-defined expertise in each organization but also the way that each company’s cultures aids the establishment of the relationship.  The MIRR team is keenly aware of this and conveys this internally so it is projected uniformly in our approach to the relationship-building process with our partners.